블로그 이미지
010-9967-0955 보미아빠


보미아빠, 석이 (500)
밥벌이 (16)
싸이클 (1)
일상 (1)


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최근에 올라온 글

if object_id ( 'tblx') is not null 
drop table tblx 
	c1, c2, c3, isnull(sign(c3-lag(c3, 1) over (partition by c1 order by (c2))),0) c4 
into tblx 
	select char(a.idx % 26 + 65) c1
		, cast ('20180101' as datetime) + b.idx c2
		, cast(abs(checksum(newid())) % 100000 as int) c3
		select top 26 cast(row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as int) -1 idx
		from sys.objects a1
		) a, 
		select top 365 cast(row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as int) -1 idx
		from sys.objects a1
			, sys.objects a2
		) b 
	) a 
   datepart(weekday, c2 ) not in (1,7)

select * from tblx 

-- 1 
; with a as
select row_number() over ( partition by c1, c order by c2) rn 
	, * 
from tblx 
	select 0 c union all 
	select 1 union all 
	select 2 union all
	select 3 union all
	select 4 union all
	select 5
	) b
	  max(c1) c1, min(c2) c2
	, max(case when c = 0 then c3 else null end ) d0
	, max(case when c = 1 then c3 else null end ) d1
	, max(case when c = 2 then c3 else null end ) d2 
	, max(case when c = 3 then c3 else null end ) d3
	, max(case when c = 4 then c3 else null end ) d4 
	, max(case when c = 5 then c3 else null end ) d5 
from a 
group by c1, rn-c
having max(case when c = 0 then c3 else null end ) is not null
	and sign (max(case when c = 1 then c3 else null end ) - max(case when c = 0 then c3 else null end )) 
	  + sign (max(case when c = 2 then c3 else null end ) - max(case when c = 1 then c3 else null end )) 
	  + sign (max(case when c = 3 then c3 else null end ) - max(case when c = 2 then c3 else null end )) 
	  + sign (max(case when c = 4 then c3 else null end ) - max(case when c = 3 then c3 else null end )) 
	  + sign (max(case when c = 5 then c3 else null end ) - max(case when c = 4 then c3 else null end )) 
	  = 5
order by c1, c2 

-- 2 
; with a 
select *
	, lag(c3, 1) over (partition by c1 order by (c2)) dm1
	, lag(c3, 2) over (partition by c1 order by (c2)) dm2
	, lag(c3, 3) over (partition by c1 order by (c2)) dm3
	, lag(c3, 4) over (partition by c1 order by (c2)) dm4
	, lag(c3, 5) over (partition by c1 order by (c2)) dm5
from tblx
select * 
from a 
	+ sign(dm3-dm4)
	+ sign(dm2-dm3)
	+ sign(dm1-dm2)
	+ sign(c3-dm1)  = 5

-- 3 
select a.c1, a.c2, a.c3
	select a.* , count(*) over (partition by c1, rn2) as cn
			select a.*
				, row_number() over (partition by c1 order by c2) 
				  - row_number() over (partition by c1, c4 order by c2) as rn2
			from tblx a
		) a
	where c4 = 1
	) a
where cn >= 5 
order by c1, c2


Posted by 보미아빠
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